Well it's been 6 weeks since the surgery on the knee and 1 week since I had a cyst removed from my jaw, time for an update.
Firstly the knee. It's looking quite good. Swelling is on the decline and movement in the other direction. I did get into the swimming pool for a week but managed to pick up an infection which i noticed mostly in the jaw as my face swelled up and the jaw closed down. Ouch. I then got into the ocean for a couple of swims which felt good. So it's off to see the specialist and an X-Ray next week and take it from there.
Then there was the wisdom tooth/cyst removal. I went into this feeling nervous but excited, like a race. This thing has been plaguing me for some years now, and who knows what effect it may have been making. One of my wisdom teeth has been coming out crooked, and in doing so has created a hole in the jaw. Lights out again on the operating table then awake 1hr later with a numb face. Lets hope this is my lot for a long time. I couldn't wait to get out of the hospital but was feeling alot worse for wear once I was and it's taken most of this last week for the miserableness to subside.
I'm looking for the positives out of all of this which is tough. My Pure Black Racing team mates are all gearing up to hit the states in a week, Dad is in the hills searching for the elusive 8 point trophy and earthquakes are shaking the world. I believe there is honey from the carcass though and i'm sure that will unravel with time. My little sis did come home for afew days this week, which brung a painfull smile to the face, a positive.
So here comes the rehab, bring it on, although patients will also be required with that I know. One step at a time.